Sunday, July 15, 2007


New Word Information and Communication Order
In 1980 UNESCO set fourth the proposed demands for the media. Take a look and tell me if you have any objection to this:

(i) elimination of the imbalance and inequalities which characterize the present situation;
(ii) elimination of the negative effects of certain monopolists, public or private, and excessive concentrations
(iii) removal of the internal and external obstacles to a free flow and wider and better balanced dissemination of information;
(v) freedom of the press and information;
(vi) the freedom of journalists and all professionals in the communication media, a freedom inseparable from responsibility;
(vii) the capacity of developing countries to achieve improvement of their own situations, notably by providing their own equipment, by training their personnel, by improving their infrastructures and by making their information and communication media suitable to their needs and aspirations;
(ix) respect for each people's cultural identity and for the rights of each nation to inform the world public about its interests, its aspirations and its social and cultural values;
(x) respect for the right of all peoples to participate in international exchange of information on the basis of equality, justice and mutual benefit;
(xi) respect for the right of the public, of ethnic and social groups and of individuals to have access to information sources and to participate actively in the communication process.

(information came from Thussu, International Communication)

In my opinion (xi) seems extremely important for to keep in mind when studying the medias agenda.

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